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Bitbucket error - remote: Too many invalid password attempts. Log in at https://id.atlassian.com/ to restore access. ## error remote: Too many invalid password attempts. Log in at https://id.atlassian.com/ to restore access. ## todo - 비빌번호 재설정. https://id.atlassian.com/login/resetpassword 2020. 12. 3.
ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED # AndroidManifest.xml application --> android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" 2020. 5. 17.
Error “package android.support.v7.app does not exist” Use implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0' Instead of compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0' Also in MainActivity.java : Use import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity; instead of : import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23330816/error-package-android-support-v7-app-does-not-exist 2020. 5. 9.
Change dpi for AVD open config.ini ( \Users.android\avd[Avd Name] ) change dpi :> hw.lcd.density=160 ※ 참고 변경을해도 config.ini 파일을 계속 복구할경우 애뮬레이터에서 최초 생성할때 Phone,TV, Tablet으로 먼저 설정을 해서 생성후 변경해볼것. 2020. 5. 9.
Write access is allowed from event dispatch thread only --> (File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location) So the problem was concluded in that android studio conflicted with my installed jdk version, so it was resolved when i checked jdk location (.. Write access is allowed from event dispatch thread only --> (File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location) So the problem was concluded in that android studio conflicted with my installed jdk version, so it was resolved when i checked jdk location (File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location), ticked 'Use embedded JDK' checkbox and set jdk location to 'path to android studio'\Android Studio\jre 2020. 5. 9.
Write access is allowed from event dispatch thread only --> (File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location) So the problem was concluded in that android studio conflicted with my installed jdk version, so it was resolved when i checked jdk location (.. Write access is allowed from event dispatch thread only --> (File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location) So the problem was concluded in that android studio conflicted with my installed jdk version, so it was resolved when i checked jdk location (File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location), ticked 'Use embedded JDK' checkbox and set jdk location to 'path to android studio'\Android Studio\jre 2020. 5. 9.