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Split file by minute using ffmpeg with shell script ```sh inc=5 if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then echo "Usage: ff2 file_name sec loop_count" exit 1 elif [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then inc=5 else inc=$2 fi loop=5 if [ "$3" != "" ] ; then loop=$3 fi convertsecs() { ((h=${1}/3600)) ((m=(${1}%3600)/60)) ((s=${1}%60)) printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n" $h $m $s } # echo loop $loop; # ffmpeg -ss 01:00:00 -i $1.mp4 -t 00:15:00 -c copy $1_05.mp4 fromSec=0 toSec=0 fromMin=0 toMin=0 fro.. 2023. 6. 2.
Google BigQuery ```sql CREATE TEMP FUNCTION rc( v FLOAT64, reverse BOOL) RETURNS FLOAT64 LANGUAGE js AS """ if ( reverse ) { return 5-v; } else { return v; } """; select p.HID, p.PYGENDERw2, avg(rc(cast(p.PPSY5A01w2 as FLOAT64),true ) + rc(cast(p.PPSY5A03w2 as FLOAT64),true ) + rc(cast(p.PPSY5A05w2 as FLOAT64),true ) + rc(cast(p.PPSY5A06w2 as FLOAT64),true )) / 4 as PM_1, avg(rc(cast(p.PPSY5A02w2 as FLOAT64),fa.. 2021. 3. 21.
Editplus replace lowercase case with uppercase The following works in Edit Plus 3.70. Enter or check the following in the replace dialog. Find what: (\w+)_([[:lower:]]{1})(\w*) Replace with: \1\U\2\E\3 Case sensitive: unchecked Regular expression: checked Support \U \L \E: checked This works fine for the example given. If you have a variable such as has_three_words then running the replace twice will convert the variable to hasThreeWords. 2020. 11. 6.
Microsoft Remote Desktop(RDC) 한영 전환 안됨 # Microsoft Remote Desktop(RDC) 한영 전환 안됨 - regedit : 례지스트리 편집기 열기 - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout 경로 이동 - 새로 만들기 -> DWORD(32비트) IgnoreRemoteKeyboardLayout : 값 > 1 - 컴퓨터 재시작 2020. 6. 24.
611f14858cd043c8a31a9db143774486 611f14858cd043c8a31a9db143774486 2019. 8. 26.
fastcopy batch # fastcopy bash ```bash @echo off rem "C:\Users\jihoon14.kim\FastCopy\FastCopy.exe" /cmd=diff /exclude="Thumbs.db;.DS_Store;Desktop.ini;DfsrPrivate\" /filelog="D:\Work\doc\FastCopy_log\FastCopy.log" /speed=full /error_stop=FALSE /force_close /acl=FALSE /verify=TRUE "C:\WEB_APP\workspace\web-module" /to="C:\WEB_APP\workspace\web-module" setlocal @set YEAR=%date:~0,4% @set MONTH=%date:~5,2% @set D.. 2019. 7. 28.